How To Upload A Program To A Control Module

How To Upload A Program To A Control Module

*NOTE: Kaizen Relay Manager is an uploading and status monitoring tool only. It cannot be used to edit programs.

In order to upload a program to a Control Module you'll need to download Kaizen Relay Manager HERE

Open Kaizen Relay Manager and plug in the supplied purple USB cable to the Control Module and your computer. Once open you'll see the "Monitor" Tab. Once programmed, this window will display the current status of each input and output. 

Navigate to the firmware tab and select browse find your .hex file. (Don't have a program? See HERE) Now select "Upload." Once complete, you'll see the message "Programming Done."


Once you unplug the USB cable, you'll need to remove power from the Control Module. The easiest way to do this is unclick the Control Module from the Kaizen Relay it's attached to, and then reattach it. (alternatively you can close Kaizen Relay Manager, then unplug the USB, then plug it back in with Kaizen Relay Manager closed. Now remove it one last time.) This sequence must be completed every time the USB is connected with Kaizen Relay Manager Open. 

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